Service-Learning Programs

Johnson & Johnson/NMF Alliance for Inclusion in Medicine (AIM) Scholarship Program

About the Program

Established in 2021, Johnson & Johnson, has partnered with NMF to develop the Alliance for Inclusion in Medicine (AIM) Scholarship Program. This innovative, three-year service-learning program is designed to expose high performing underrepresented health profession medical (MD/DO including dual degrees and PharmD*) students with analytical skill sets that will prepare them to become future clinician and research leaders with a commitment to address the structural and systemic factors that cause the health disparities that disproportionately affect communities of color. In addition, the program will expose students to various functions within the pharmaceutical, medical devices and health care industries where physicians play a key role.

*Previously known as Johnson & Johnson/ NMF Future Leaders Scholarship Program

Program Goal

The goal of this three-year program is to expose diverse medical students to career opportunities within Pharmaceutical Medicine and introduce analytical and professional skills that will prepare students to become clinicians and researchers of tomorrow, empowered to address health disparities.

Program Structure

This scholarship program provides $5,000 for the first year, $10,000 for the second year, and $10,000 for the third year of the program. Additional financial support also is provided, including reimbursement of USMLE related expenses (up to $2,500).

In year one, the program kicks off with didactic sessions focusing on developing research skills. Scholars will enter the program with a research project or topic they are interested in pursuing. Didactic sessions will provide additional education to ensure scholars are equipped to conduct research over the course of the program. Scholars will also have the opportunity to work with J&J mentors to receive additional guidance and support throughout their academic journey.

In year two, didactic sessions continue with a series of industry focused topics including but not limited to drug development, drug safety, statistics, real world evidence, scientific publications, clinical trial protocols, epidemiology, etc. to expose scholars to the various career pathways within this industry.

In year three, the program focuses on supporting scholars in their final years of their education as they prepare for matriculation. This includes ongoing mentoring as well as value added skills trainings and support.

Additional in person opportunities may be available – more information will be shared throughout the program.

Scholar Eligibility

This program serves rising second-year underrepresented MD, DO and PharmD* students and runs for three consecutive years.

Scholar candidates must meet the following eligibility:

  • Proof of U.S. citizenship or Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) approval letter
  • Must be currently enrolled in an accredited medical school located in the U.S.
  • Identification as an underrepresented medical student** in health care
  • Demonstrated leadership early in career
  • Interest in health care delivery to medically underserved communities

*PharmD Students must be attending one of the following HBCU Pharmacy Schools*

•Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences in Tallahassee, FL
•Howard University College of Pharmacy in Washington, DC
•Texas Southern University College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences in Houston, TX
•University of Maryland Eastern Shore School of Pharmacy and Health Professions in Princess Anne, MD
•Xavier University College of Pharmacy in New Orleans, LA

**NMF designates the following racial/ethnic groups as underrepresented in medicine: African American, Black, Hispanic/Latino, Native American (including American Indian/Alaska Native/Native Hawaiian), Asian American (Vietnamese and Cambodian only), and Pacific Islander.

Program Timeline & Required Events

Program Year 1 $5,000
  • Orientation
  • Didactic sessions (research focus)
  • Research project development
  • Mentorship
  • Residency and Academic guidance
Program Year 2 $10,000
  • Program Kick-off
  • Didactic sessions (industry focus)
  • Research Project development
  • Mentorship
  • Residency and Academic/Professional guidance
Program Year 3 $10,000
  • Program Kick-off
  • Didactic Sessions (optional scholar support and connection)
  • Residency and Academic/Professional guidance
  • Culmination – Scholar presentations Program Close Out

Program years typically run from September – July

2024 applications will be part of the Service Learning Program General Application, open June 17 – August 12, 2024 11:59 pm ET

Who Is Eligible?

School Year:
School State:
Enrolled Program: , , , ,

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