NMF Emergency Scholarship Fund

NMF Is Here for You

NMF recognizes that medical students may experience unexpected financial hardships during their medical education, particularly during these stressful and unprecedented times. NMF may be able to provide some financial relief and some peace of mind through the NMF Emergency Scholarship Fund.

NMF is not accepting new applications for this scholarship at this time. 

About the Fund

NMF understands the importance of medical students maintaining their financial stability during the critical semesters of medical school so that they can focus on their future—a future of service to their communities and the nation as a whole. The Emergency Scholarship Fund, originally founded in 2008, provides financial assistance to second-year, third-year, or fourth-year medical students who are experiencing a financial crisis that prevents them from continuing their medical education or creates a major obstacle in achieving their medical education goals.

ESF Awards are non-renewable scholarships and applicants cannot be receiving another NMF Scholarship at the time of application. Awards typically ranges from $2,000-$5,000.

General Eligibility

The NMF Emergency Scholarship Fund is open to second-year through fourth-year medical students who are U.S. citizens, have Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) approval, are Green Card holders, or are permanent residents. Applicants must be enrolled in accredited medical or osteopathic medicine schools located in the U.S.

How to Apply

Application Process

To apply, students must submit a short paragraph to scholarships@nmfonline.org that describes their immediate, extreme financial needs, and their reasons for application to the NMF Emergency Scholarship Fund. Each request will be considered on a case-by-case basis. NMF staff will review the students’ financial circumstances and determine whether they are eligible to continue to the next step of application. If they qualify, students will be asked to submit an electronic application that will be thoroughly reviewed by the Emergency Scholarship Fund Advisory Committee. Please note that the invitation to submit an application does not guarantee that the student will be awarded.

Among the materials applicants will be required to submit include the following:

  • Two essays, one explaining the immediate financial need, and the other detailing their commitment to a career in medicine
  • Financial documents requested typically include: loan history, credit card and bank statements and/or denied applications, itemized financial costs, and tuition statements, etc.

If you have questions or concerns, please contact scholarships@nmfonline.org.

Black doctor holding hand of boy in hospital bed