Scholar Project Database

Hidradenitis Suppurativa Screening Initiative

Project Location/Site: Birmingham, Alabama
Key Outcomes:
While data collection has just begun, we are optimistic with the implementation of the screening tool at the study locations. While no patients have yet been screened, the preliminary data from the pre-intervention survey revealed that the health care providers participating in this study have a moderate familiarity with the diagnosis and management in HS (Table 1). Participating providers also reported the screening tool would be feasible to implement in their clinics if it is not time consuming (Table 2). As there are limited treatment options for HS, management is largely focused on pain control. We asked providers to rate statements regarding pain and HS-related pain (Table 3). Based on the preliminary results, providers may benefit from continuing education focused on HS-related pain and pain management, as there seem to be misconceptions regarding these topics. For example, one provider responded, “Probably untrue” to the statement, “HS is a chronic debilitating disease that may necessitate pain management.”