Scholar Project Database
From Listening to Action: Improving Breastfeeding Among Black Identifying Women in Dayton, Ohio
Medical School/Institution: Wright State University Boonshoft School of Medicine
Project Location/Site: Dayton, Ohio
Year: 2022
Key Outcomes:
While mothers may understand the health benefits of breastfeeding, there are many barriers they face within themselves, their interpersonal relationships, within the community and existing legal policies which corresponds to the socio-ecological model.For example, on the level of community, WIC does currently distribute free breast pumps to mothers to encourage breastfeeding which helps to diminish a barrier of accessibility if mom decides to pump at home or work. Additionally, there are currently partnerships between the public health sector and a select number of small businesses in Dayton that gives them the distinction of a breastfeeding friendly business. This distinction creates a supportive environment and can address the challenge of moms not feeling welcome or comfortable to breastfeed in public. Therefore, future studies will include establishing sustainable initiatives at each level.