Scholar Project Database
“Ex-PLISSIT”ly Thorough: Utility of the PLISSIT model in HIV surveillance and its effects on HIV testing in the aging
Medical School/Institution: Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine
Project Location/Site: Philadelphia
Year: 2018
Key Outcomes:
In comparison to the non-surveyed group, patients who were presumably asked about sexual health and HIV screening using the Ex-PLISSIT model were 3.06 times more likely to receive an HIV test, although this statistical significance is limited due to the marked difference between number of surveys returned from patients requesting HIV tests and the actual number of patient encounters as noted in retrospective chart analysis.
Would be of substantial benefit to actively train and involve front desk staff in preventative quality control measures, i.e. routinely administering a sexual health intake form for annual visits in pts ≥50 y/o, as ancillary staff are often a patient’s initial encounter before seeing a provider
Further application of the Ex-PLISSIT model to high patient volume, multicenter study design during a more abbreviated timeframe may help eliminate variability in sexual health discussions between different outpatient practices