years of providing scholarships and support to students underrepresented in medicine.
$5.1 M
in scholarships and other financial assistance were awarded through all of NMF's programs in the last two years to students of medicine and other health professions.
32 K +
NMF alumni form a network of health care leaders committed to eliminating unnecessary and preventable health challenges.
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The Need for NMF
Health professionals from the very communities that endure the highest levels of health challeneges are needed more than ever to address the well-earned historical and present-day causes of mistrust in health care. NMF is eliminating the barriers to medical education and investing in the health care leaders of tomorrow to ensure better health outcomes for all communities.
“NMF empowers its scholars with the training, resources, and speakers necessary to become community health advocates and effectively navigate medical school. I can only imagine the kinds of projects that will continue to be developed by NMF scholars, because when you give intelligent people the right resources, funding, and platform to do something good for others, that is a recipe for change.”
Jonathan Tyes
NMF Health Equity Leaders Program Scholar